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Reach for the Stars-new music video

https://youtu.be/Gryr7KKoknY Ein Song aus Feinigs Album "Shine", in dem es um eine Beziehung geht, die mehr hätte werden können... Wundervoll illustriert von Črtomir Frelih, Grafikdesigner und Maler aus Slowenien! Umgesetzt und in Szene gesetzt wurde das Video von Milena Olip, die gerade mit ihrem Kurzfilm "Talking to a Survivor" weltweit Erfolge feiert! We could have reached for the stars... The video is illustrated by drawings of Slovenian Graphic designer and painter Črtomir Frelih, the video was shot and edited by Milena Olip, a film director from Carinthia (who has right now won several awards worldwide with her short "Talking to...

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New Song „Daham – Doma“

Here ´ s the new single Daham - Doma, a collaboration with Singer/Songwriter Miro Müller, who is also the frontman of the band Popwal, one of Austria´ s best up- and coming bands, who sing in the Carinthian-Austrian dialect! Katharina Schuster, also from Popwal, is featured in this Song! It ´ s a Song about Carinthia, and it´ s in both languages spoken in Carinthia, German and Slovenian! It was premiered an October 10th 2022, at the Landhaushof in Klagenfurt. The occasion was the 102nd anniversary of the plebiscite in the Southern part of Carinthia, in which the majority of...

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SHINE out now!

With great pleasure I present my first album as a songwriter and singer! Nova plošča je tu! Die neue CD ist da!!! Erhältlich in Klagenfurt/Celovec: Buchhandel/knjigarne: Heyn, Haček, Mohorjeva/Hermagoras; Schallplatten Elisabeth! AND HERE

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